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There are five main workout categories in the app – STRENGTH, CONDITIONING, FUNCTIONAL, BODY RESISTANCE and RESTORE. Tap on the workouts icon in the navigation bar to see these categories. Tap on the see all button to access the workout sub-categories. Tap anywhere on these workouts to get a description of the workout. Tap the workout button to go to the workout.

Watch the exercise videos, then tap the start workout button. Tap each exercise to see the sets and reps. Enter your data here if you want. Whatever data you enter will be saved. Once finished the workout tap the finish workout button to see your workout summary. Your workout will be automatically saved in myply - history - for the next time.

Workouts can be customised by tapping the customise button on the pre workout screen.

Drag the exercise to re-order the workout or swipe it to swap or delete the exercise. 

Tap the add exercise button + to add an exercise from our exercise library. 

When you swap out an exercise you'll see a list of more difficult or easier exercises aligned to the one you’re swapping. 

Watch the video and select your preference. In this way the integrity of the workout is held. 

These new exercises will be saved to this workout in myply - history for the next time.

We’ve worked coaching professional sports people for over 20 years and so we know the difference between what works and what doesn't. While enjoyment and exploration are important to us we also like to cut through the nonsense and take on a challenge. These workouts make a difference because they are simple, effective and tough. You'll want to come back for more!

We’ve taken our time creating Ply and it’s that care combined with our industry expertise that makes us different. We genuinely want to see you enjoy your journey to becoming more ‘personally fit’ so if these workouts don’t bring about that change, get in touch and we’ll work with you to find a workout program that creates positive change for you and your physical health.

Premium gives you unlimited access to elite workouts, built by professional but made for you. The workouts are science-based, evidence led. Premium opens up countless opportunities for you to explore your physical health and ensure you get access to fresh new workouts whenever you want. For €10.99 month you've got a fitness training powerhouse in your pocket.

Workouts which focus on developing athletic strength, muscle tone and functional strength.
Sub-categories - TBC. Capacity. Function.

Workouts which make you sweat! There are assessments which will help you keep track of your progress, on feet and off-feet workouts in traditional cardiovascular and more high intensity styles.
Sub-categories - HIIT. Capacity. Assess

Workouts with lots of variety. You can choose from restorative mobility workouts, developing total body functionality, or pushing hard in our metabolic circuits.
Sub-categories - Met Con. Capacity. Mobilise.

Body Resistance
These equipment free workouts promoting function and physical awareness are ideal for at-home training or when the gym is unavailable or maybe just a step too far.
Sub-categories - HIIT. Capacity. Function.

A balanced workout plan should have some restoration within it. Here you can work on underlying weaknesses around particular joints or body parts to keep them in good health or complete some low intensity, feel good workouts to restore body balance and wellness.
Sub-categories - Tonics. Repair.

We're not overly concerned with masses of data. Our pursuit is one of joy in the execution of a task for the sake of the task itself. However, our graph will let you know your workout exposure over the previous 30 days and a breakdown of which workout types you tend to gravitate towards. Remember, balance across multiple workout types is best for body (development) and mind (boredom) so this insight should help you put a well-rounded training plan together.

We also keep track of your best efforts on certain workouts or strength exercises. You'll receive a personal best (PB) celebration card when you record a best effort.

The combine with feature, available with ply premium, gives you insight into the workouts that work well together in a block of training.

For example, if you’re thinking of doing a Total Body strength workout, we'd combine that with a Sweat HIIT workout, which would help preserve strength and muscle mass, or aFunctional Movement workout to help balance your training week. Less thinking for you!

Prior to every workout we provide you with a description of the focus points for the workout. Usually, we'll tell you the focus, the main lifts and the equipment needed for the workout.  You might also see the repetition range and exercise type, so you can check to see if the workout is right for you before you pull the trigger.

Simply check the intensity level icon.  Level 1, level 2 or level 3. Level 1’s are less difficult than level 3!

We’d always recommend you build from the ground up and try level 1 and 2 type workouts first, especially if it's a new category of workout you’ve not yet tried.

The chain or link icon indicates the exercises above and below each other are linked and supposed to be completed as a superset, a tri-set or a circuit. In other words take no (or as small a rest as possible) rest between these exercises.

Yes you can. Our premium service is €10.99 a month but if you go to subscriptions in the more section of the app you can manage your subscription here. Payments drop by 15% to €104.99 for annual subscribers.

We provide for both. Simply check the relevant imperial or metricvalue in the selection box in your profile page.

You can check us out at or our #askply forum. We’d love to hear from you.

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